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Many people think that dogs will naturally know how to walk politely on a leash, but this skill is something that needs to be trained. It’s an important skill to teach, and once you and your dog learn the skill you’ll value it every time you take your dog out for a walk! 

Our 2-week leash walking class is good for puppies getting ready to walk outside for the first time or any dogs having trouble walking on a leash. 

It is designed to teach you the skills effectively by practicing both inside and outside of your home. 

The package consists of 2 training sessions (1.5hr per session).


  • Session 1: Essential skills for leash walking in your home! You will learn basic leash walking skills, how to read a dog’s body language & safety walking skills.

  • Session 2: Outdoor walking with the trainer. We will walk around your neighborhood together and will get helpful tips on how to manage your puppy better in both on & off-leash situations. 

Homework: Practice all the skills you learned in your first class at least 10 mins every day at home


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